Pak Choi; Bring me Back

Riley Mackrory
1 min readApr 19, 2024
Gustave Doré — Satan Descends upon Earth

In empty buildings

With similarly empty others

I let a withered organ rattle round the rapture of an empty cavity

The grass wilts and shrivels

With livers given

Unfair hands from self-shuffled decks


So I’ve slipped into routines well routined

And show irrelevant things to irrelevant people

To weave a tapestry that, when looked upon backwardly

Might seem to indicate an existence, an identity — somebody there


An irony that I’ll gobble up

As ‘aloof’ anathema (once), turns (now) to powder


I am aware, acutely

That every alignment (or that which I considered that) has happened

Under the disinterested gaze of a burning star

(The sun, a hot day)

(Well why didn’t you just say that then?)

(I don’t know)


And then that blind God which consumes its own young

Gropes after me in arid dusty air with

Mandibles twitching

Like she does every midweek morning

